Shishka Mountain. Area 3. Panel 1

Layers treatment: The panel represents numeral lined zoomorphic figures made with pecking. This group of images belongs to Kharasuk culture. Also the panel represents some images of anthropomorphic figures, horsemen, silhouette zoomorphic figures. Some of them belong to Tagar culture, some of them are probably made in Middle Ages. 

The panel is damaged with cracking and crumbling of the rock crust. The left side of the panel is badly damaged with lichens, Besides, the images are patinated. As a result, the visibility of the images is significantly reduced (Original view). 

As a result of cleaning the surface from lichen, a modern vandal inscription was revealed. (Removing the lichen)

The demonstration of the "Reconstruction" tool

Original view - 3D-model of the panel without drawing

Removing the lichen - when removing the lichen in a digital way, vandal inscriptions were found.

Tracing the image on the surface previosly cleaned of lichen

Setting up the color and transparency of the layers is availible by the green button on the model.